AGI Error Code Tutorial v1.0
Nick Sonneveld
Last updated 9th March, 2002
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Logic Errors
- Interpreter Errors
- Unacknowledged Errors
- Debugging Techniques
- Revision History
1. Introduction
Your error could be caused by this very friendly roach.
Lots of people ask questions like "I got this error when I ran my AGI game,
and I don't know how to get around it.". This document's aim is to
list all the known errors that you can generate through the AGI interpreter
and possible workarounds.
There are basically two different types of errors:
- Logic errors - These are caused by sending incorrect parameters to
a logic command. Error messages are required to be printed by additional
logic code.
- Interpreter errors - Files missing, stack overflow, out of memory,
etc - these are errors that can pop up any time. You can't use logic
code to generate an error message so the interpreter takes over and does
it itself.
Both types of errors aren't recoverable and the game will have to exit shortly
after displaying the error. The reason for this is because it's got
a quick hack to run logic.0 again but it's not expecting to return from logic.0,
just exit.
NAGI, based very heavily on the original Sierra interpreter, shares a lot
of the same errors. NAGI has it's own bunch of helpful warnings which
are documented in it's own documentation. If there's demand, I'll document
the errors/warnings of AGIL, NAGI and Sarien as well.
The tutorial will go through all the known available errors, suggest ways
of getting around the majority of them and finally will have a list of helpful
debugging techniques. The debugging techniques will be essential whenever
you encounter a strange bug, but you are unsure of the whereabouts.
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