AGI Error Code Tutorial v1.0
Nick Sonneveld
Last updated 9th March, 2002
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3. Interpreter Errors
The interpreter errors can be separated into two
main categories: destructive and warnings. Destructive errors are pretty
bad. If you get one, it usually means that the memory has been so screwed
up that the interpreter can't even risk trying to load error messages from
logic code. There are a few warnings in here too so don't worry. Warnings
are errors that the interpreter has detected, but it can still keep on going.
The text in brackets is where the error occurs in the interpreter.
There's no specific order for interpreter errors, so I've grouped them
into the obvious areas.
"Sorry, your computer does not have enough memory to play this game. 256K of RAM is required." (memory init) (destructive)
The interpeter was unable to allocate a reasonably sized heap for your
game. This message probably doesn't mean much to people these days,
but if you get it, you might want to try disabling some TSR's in your config/autoexec
files or check the windows settings for dos. This error can occur before
the interpreter loads your game, so there no way the data in your game could
cause this error. Sierra realises you may have paid money for a game
that doesn't work on your computer, that's why they apologised.
"No memory. Want XXX, have XXX" (malloc) (destructive)
The game logic has tried to load a resource, and but the interpreter has
run out of allocated memory. This is an error actually caused by your
game, the interpreter couldn't cause it unless it was something you did in
your logic code. If you're running a long sequence, and you're unable
to call, then perhaps you should try discarding resources as soon
as you're done with then. If you're still running out of room, try
bundling view resources together and try and get some to mirror others. Converted
sounds take up a lot of room, so you might want to crop it. Later games
by Sierra actually checked the amount of available memory before it tried
something memory intensive (like read a bible with lots of scripts), that
way the player could still walk around without it crashing.
"Stack blown."
(system timer) (destructive)

The interpreter has run out of stack memory. The stack is used to push
on any data on the currently running function before calling, parameters
for sending to functions, and for the picture fill code. The picture
fill code, if you're filling around a very "rough" graphic, will use the
stack like popcorn. The stack filling code, while not very efficient
with the memory, is very quick calculation-wise.
All the interpreters for the PC allocate the exact same amount for the stack
but some people see the "stack blown" error more often than some people.
The reason for this are TSR's that stay in memory (or Windows) and
call themselves at arbitary times. Whenever they take over, they store
the program's position in the stack, and they probably use the stack themselves
before cleaning up. Because all these programs are using the same stack
that the interpreter created, the poor thing may get too big and over flow
into other parts of the game. That's when the error is thrown.
The best way to get past these errors is to change your stack-heavy pictures.
There's a small tutorial on this site on that very subject. It
also mentions how to patch the interpreter to increase the stack. See
"AGI Stack Overflow Information".
"Not now." (show object) (warning)
The interpreter was about to display an object on the screen but has discovered
that there wouldn't be any memory for it. There's a function called
"show.obj" which will display a view resource along with the view's description.
It's used for displaying objects from the inventory. It also
checks the available memory to make sure that there's enough room to display
the picture. If you need to display it, try discarding some unused
resources, or removing some animated objects from the screen.
"Can't find HGC_Font file." (memory init) (destructive)
The interpreter has tried to set aside memory for the Hercules Graphics Card
and has discovered that it can't find the Font description file anyway. Make
sure you've got this file in the same directory as your interpreter. Some
people don't package it because most people don't use the HGC these days.
A font file from another version *should* work.
"The directory <directory> is full or the disk is write-protected." (save) (warning)
"The disk is full." (save) (warning)
The save game function has tried to write your save game but came up against
an error. The interpreter can only assumed that since it wasn't a serious
error, it must have been a full disk or it's write-protected.
"Sorry, this disk is full. Position pointer and press
ENTER to overwrite a saved game or press ESC and try again with another disk"
(save/restore) (warning)
This is the same as the previous error, except the save functions managed
to make a quick check to see if it's possible to write another save game.
Fortunately, the interpreter gives you a chance to write over an old
"Can't open file: <filename> Error in restoring game. Press ENTER to quit." (restore) (destructive)
In the process of restoring a game, the interpreter encountered an error.
Because it was in the middle of copying the contents of the save game
all over the game's memory, the memory now contains half the current running
game and half the game that was in the save game. I hope that made sense.
Anyway, the interpreter can't run under those sort of conditions so
you're forced to quit. It may be a bad disk, corrupted save game, or
something else that made the restore process break.
"Can't find <filename>." (file load) (destructive)
The interpreter has tried to load an essential file and has discovered that
it doesn't exist! This function is called to open the following files:
words.tok, object, logdir, viewdir, picdir and snddir. Since the interpreter
assumes these files to be in the same directory, it fails and quits. Make
sure you have all these files available before you try and run the interpreter.
All the directory files are essential, even if you don't have any sound
resources, or any picture resources.
"Disk error: <error string>" (print error code) (destructive)
A disk error was encountered when trying to read/write a file. A disk
error is more serious than simply running out of space or finding that a
file doesn't exist. This is for the "sector stuffed" type errors. You
might want to check your hardrive or floppy disk for errors if you encounter
this error. This error is called whenever an error occurs with fileload,
opening volume files or accessing a resource in a volume.
"<logic/picture/view/sound> <res num> not found" (dir error) (destructive)
The game's logic code has tried to access a resource that does not exist
within the volume files. The directory files stored a list of all the
resources and their position within the volume files. If the interpreter
wants to access a resource, it will check the directory files first. If
you get this error, check your logic code and make sure you're not trying
to load the wrong resource. If it's correct, make sure you actually
have the resource within the volume files. You should not get the error
if both of these things are correct.
"Message too verbose: <string>... Press ESC to continue." (message box draw) (warning)

You have tried to print a message on the screen that was too long and would
not fit onto the screen. The function actually displays the first 20
characters for you to identify the message. Try and separate the message
into several messages, or try not to include too many strings.
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