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Nat Budin and Dark Fiber

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Chapter 2

Nuts and Bolts

AGI Studio version 1.31

A peek into an AGI game directory

If you look into the folder of an AGI game, you’ll see a lot of files with strange names.  “WORDS.TOK?”  “LOGDIR?”  What the heck is that?

Nearly all of the files you’ll find are directly used by AGI during the game.  Not all of them, however, are actually parts of the game itself.  Let’s go through the files one-by-one.

If your game is on a floppy disk rather than on your hard drive, DO NOT DELETE OR OVERWRITE ANY FILES.  Doing so may cause the game to stop working.  To modify the game, first copy the files to your hard drive.

 A closer look at the VOL files

The VOL files, as mentioned above, contain most of the game’s data.  These files contain four different types of game resources:
Here’s a metaphor you can picture: think of your AGI game as a Broadway-style musical production.  The VIEW resources are your actors and props, the PIC resources your set.  The SOUND resources are your orchestra pit, and the LOGIC resources are your technical crew.

A brief introduction to AGI Studio

If you haven’t already done so, grab a copy of AGI Studio from the AGI Filedump at  It requires Windows 95 or Windows NT and an unzip program such as PKUNZIP or WinZip.

To install AGI Studio, follow these steps:
Now you’re in AGI Studio.  Right now it will look like just a big empty window with a toolbar on the top and some menus.  Let’s start a new project.

To start a new AGI game project in AGI Studio, follow these steps:
The Preview window displays a preview of the currently selected resource in the Resources window.  Some resources can’t be previewed, such as the SOUND and LOGIC resources.  (This may change in a future version of AGI Studio.)  Let’s try previewing a resource.
To run the game, there must be an interpreter in the game’s directory.  To copy in an interpreter, we’ll need an AGI game.  Demo Pack 1, 2, or 3 from the AGI Filedump ( will do.
Now, let’s run the game.
You’ll only have to select the executable file the first time you run any game project.  After that, clicking on the running man will run the game immediately.

What’s up next

In the next chapter, we’ll begin to create an AGI game called “DORK: An Interactive AGI Tutorial.”  Stay tuned for more AGI For Newbies, coming soon to a theater near you.

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