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Adding a New Game to the CRC List

The point of adding a new game to the list is to correctly identify the game.  If you correctly identify it, you can specify the name and the interpreter to use.

A good example for this is Kings Quest 4.  It uses a version 3 interpreter that requires slightly different operations or else Rosella will moon walk all over the screen.  All over v3 games don’t need this however.

Normally if you were adding a new game would you just have this defined in standard.ini

name=My new Game v1.0 2001-10-12

and then add “new_game” to the crc_list at the top of the standard.ini.

Now when NAGI searches directories and finds this game.. it will be corrrectly named instead of using a default best-guess naming scheme.

The “pc_v2_939” will have the other options such as compresion or directory/object structure.

I have tried to have a common naming scheme in the order of: name, version, date (YYYY-MM-DD).
The CRC values for a particular game can be determined by using WinZip’s CRC checksums (they are the same) or by using the “crc_print” option in nagi.ini

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